Clinical Trials & Research Studies

The University of Colorado (CU) Family Planning Research group is a leader in contraceptive and reproductive health research. If you have been considering starting a new birth control, or are currently on birth control – contact us and see if you are right for one of our studies.

Nexplanon Extension Trial: A Phase 3, Open-label, Multi-center, Single Arm Study to Assess Contraceptive Efficacy and Safety of the Etonogestrel (MK-8415) Implant During Extended Use From 3 Years After Insertion in Females 35 Years of Age or Younger

Birth Control Hormonal Injection/Shot Study: A Phase I study to evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of intramuscular or subcutaneous injections of levonorgestrel butanoate (LB) for female contraception

Male Birth Control Gel: Clinical Evaluation of Daily Application of Nestorone® (NES) and Testosterone (T) Combination Gel for Male Contraception

Birth Control Pill and Implant Study: Nexplanon Birth Control Implant Use When Primarily Using a Combined Birth Control Pill

Research about the Potential for the Contraceptive Implant as Emergency Contraception: Etonogestrel Implant as Emergency Contraception: A Pilot Pharmacodynamic Study

Research about alternative ways to measure the amount of hormones from a birth control pill: Validation of 24-hour trough concentration as a surrogate for intensive pharmacokinetic measurements for a combined oral contraceptive pill containing desogestrel

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